“I am American,”

I have always answered.

Red, white, and blue have painted my soul

Since the day I was born on foreign land.

My father served our nation for over two decades.

Camouflage green coats my skin so perfectly

That even I don’t see my true identity.

But America has changed.

As she has aged,

She’s become crabby and near-sighted.

The optimism of her younger years

Has turned into caution and cynicism.

The arms which once embraced others

Have locked firmly in front of her.

Alzheimer’s has set in,

Robbing her of memories of

When her citizens found common ground

And fought for the greater good of all mankind.

I love her still.

I always will.

And though times seem bleak,

America is immortal.

She just needs help finding her youthful years again.

So, if I could help America,

I’d massage her heart muscle

Until love for all poured freely,

Until compassion caressed her cautious fears.

I’d correct her vision so she could see

The beauty in diversity,

The strength that comes with respecting our differences,

The harmony that develops when we allow others to

Live and let live.

I’d replay her past moments of

Division and deceit

To remind her that hatred and anger,

Winners versus losers,

Extremism and fear,

Have only weakened her.

I’d then focus on

Her good times,

When neighbors looked out for one another,

When we could agree to disagree,

When our egos did not control us

And we saw a bit of ourselves in others.

I’d pull apart her arms

To embrace her

And wait until she hugged me back.

She would remember how comforting it feels

When someone shares freely

The blessings they’ve already been given.

I would walk beside her,



Until her limberness returned,

Until she remembered

Her purpose and her passion,

Until she remembered that

She was created so

We all could live equally,

We all could be true to ourselves,

And she, America,

Would embrace us


Perfect isn’t possible

But better certainly is!

I have not given up on America.

I have faith that her people

Will come together once again.

From different walks of life,

With different mindsets,

They will find their way to the middle,

With respect for their fellow neighbor,

With a desire for peace for all,

With a compassion to accept all of God’s children,

To live in harmony,

As America has always wanted.

~RWISA Author, Yvette M. Calleiro


Thank you for dropping by today’s RWISA “RISE-UP” stop.  We hope that the message contained here has moved you in some way to RISE UP and do something; one small change could impact the life of another without you even knowing it.  Don’t just sit around talking about the problem, be part of the solution.  It doesn’t take much when you decide that you are going to RISE UP!

Click HERE to follow along with the rest of the tour.


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  1. What a beautiful poem, Yvette! I’m so glad I didn’t miss this stop and that wonderful piece! 🌹

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a beautiful piece, Yvette. Your students are so fortunate to have you. I am sure you are influencing them to become kind and loving people. I don’t watch the. news because of the ugliness and negativity. It is too easy for it to destroy hope. I prefer surrounding myself with kind and compassionate people who are doing all they can bit by bit to make the world a more loving place for everyone.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I got goosebumps and tears reading your poem. I will save it and read it aloud to my family each 4th of July. Beautiful and inspirational and I agree with everything you said.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Shirley Harris-Slaughter November 24, 2019 — 12:56 am

    Very nice Yvette.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. peggyhattendorfcom November 23, 2019 — 7:15 pm

    Well done, Yvette!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Wow! What a powerful and inspiring poem, Yvette❣️I just watched the week long impeachment hearing and the democratic debate, so this couldn’t have come at a better time. I too love America and still have hope for a better future. Thank you for sharing this amazing poem with us.💞

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yvette M. Calleiro November 23, 2019 — 8:29 pm

      Thank you, Vashti! I didn’t watch any of it. My anxiety can’t handle the drama, but I have read articles that summarize them. I’m looking forward to more peaceful days, and hopefully, they will come sooner rather than later. (I can dream, right?) 😉

      Liked by 2 people

  7. Nicely said, Yvette. A major step to putting America back on track is to vote wisely in November next year. America has suffered enough. The rest of the world has suffered enough.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yvette M. Calleiro November 23, 2019 — 8:27 pm

      Thank you, John. I think our country needs to work it’s way away from both extremes and find its way back to compromising and respecting one another. And yes, voting wisely helps. 😉


  8. D.L. Finn, Author November 23, 2019 — 8:36 am

    This really moved me , Yvette. So true and well said. I remain hopeful, too.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yvette M. Calleiro November 23, 2019 — 2:12 pm

      Thanks, Denise! I’m a big believer in collective energy. Right now, anger, hatred, bias, and combativeness seems to be stronger, but I believe that if we, as a nation, remember the good and the kind, and if we collectively work to restore unity and compassion, we will be able to rise above the negativity in our nation. At least, that’s my hope.

      Liked by 2 people

  9. This is an extraordinarily powerful poem, Yvette. I shared to my Poetry Sharing Page on FB.


  10. Oh, Yvette, so well said!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Yvette, this is incredibly beautiful, poignant and honest! Amazing! Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Reblogged this on Maureen Twomey and commented:

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  13. I think we all feel the same, Yvette. That we could open our hearts, minds, and vision to a better tomorrow. What a beautiful, and thoughtful prayer for our country

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Tears falling and arms opening to embrace you and the wonderful America whose heart and soul needs reviving! Thanks for this beautiful piece, Yvette! ❤ Sharing everywhere! xo

    Liked by 1 person

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