Welcome to Day 9 and the conclusion of the RWISA “REVOLUTION” Blog Tour!  We’d like to introduce you to an amazingly supportive RWISA member, Author, Nonnie Jules, who is also the Founder of RRBC & RWISA.  Take a peek at her writing below…


I’d like to begin by thanking two of my fellow RWISA Authors who were also on this tour, Joy Nwosu Lo-Bamijoko and Linnea Tanner, who both had the courage to write about, or reference the ills of our world, that many would like to keep deeply hidden.  I speak of hatred and systemic racism.  Again, thank you both for your courage to write with such substance and I hope that it is still resonating with all who read both of your pieces.  I am honored that your words are a continual ring in my ears.

The theme of this year’s REVOLUTION tour is A NEW YEAR – A FRESH START, and with that theme in mind, I’d like to share my thoughts on what a fresh start in this new year looks like for, and, to me.

My quote above, “A life isn’t worth living if not in service to others,” is what gives my life meaning and purpose.  RRBC and RWISA came to be because I didn’t see enough service being spread around the web when I came aboard.  I noticed a ton of selfish behavior, “me, me, and more me” attitudes, and a strong indifference to lending a hand to help the next person climbing after you, also reach the top.  I felt myself drowning in an ocean of “gimme,” and surrounded by a nation of takers.  In my mind, I had to do something.

With the inception of RRBC, the rules of the land were (and still are) that members support members.  Some came aboard and quickly embraced the concept, either because it was inherently part of their makeup, or because they realized it was the fastest route to gaining support for their own agendas.

And then, there were the others – the takers and the ones from the land of “gimme.”  They came aboard in droves – taking all that they could, and once they realized we were on to them, they quickly abandoned their squatter positions.  By the way, we do so appreciate their exits as they made room for the uber-supportive members I’ll reference below.

The members on our roster who are constantly being profiled, promoted, pushed, and honored, are the members who show, by their actions, that they are living in service to others.  They don’t make excuses, they make a way.  They don’t see a tweet and merely re-tweet it, they click the link first to see how they can support their fellow members even more and even better.  They don’t re-tweet only tweets with their Twitter handle included.  They don’t show up only when they are the ones being profiled, interviewed or whose book is being discussed. And their social media feeds?  Well, they are clogged with promotion of others! 

Their support doesn’t stop there.  These members consistently show up to support in a myriad of ways, including the following…

  • following along member blog tours, leaving comments and sharing the posts on social media
  • hosting fellow members on their blog tours, such as our “SPOTLIGHT” Authors
  • sitting in the audience of member interviews on our RAVE WAVES shows,
  • showing up to our book club discussions to support BOOK OF THE MONTH Authors
  • purchasing, reading and reviewing fellow member books from the RRBC & RWISA catalogs
  • sharing members’ RRBC AUTHOR PAGES and RWISA PROFILE PAGES to social media
  • sharing members’ books directly from Amazon, along with the purchase links and book covers
  • visiting members’ book trailers on YouTube, leaving comments and sharing to social media
  • following members’ blogs and websites and ensuring that they are active in these blogging communities
  • and even showing up to participate in club activities, to ensure that our organizations remain fluid and not stagnant and boring.

These are but a few ways that the supportive and active members of RRBC/RWISA ensure that they are exhibiting a life of service to others, especially on social media.  We are not an organization interested in supporting those who don’t support others.  If you show me that I’m not that important to you, then why would I go out of my way to place you on my special pedestal of support?  If you’re not purchasing, reading and reviewing member books here, then guess what, you will never find yourself in the BOOK OF THE MONTH hot seat.  Why would we tell others to run out and support you, when you don’t bother to show up to support them?  And by the way, showing up is more than just sending out tweets and re-tweets.  It takes so much more than that to create success.

2020 was a hard year for all of us, but 2021 rolled right in, giving us a clean slate to write new, more positive chapters in our life stories.  Lucky for us all, this new year opened the door wide for us to make positive changes.

So, today, I ask you, what kind of life are you living?  When we drop by to support you and we peruse your Twitter feed, will we see that you are in love with you, OR, will we smile when we see how hard you’re pushing someone else?   When we look out into the gallery of our RAVE WAVES shows and our monthly book club discussions, will we see your pretty smiley face, OR, will we see only the beautiful faces of those who typically show up with their amazing support?  Will you be counted among the many (who do nothing to support others) OR, will you be proudly counted among the few (who do more than their share to push others to the top?)  Where will you stand when the roll is counted?  With the givers or the takers?

Yes, it’s a new year, and also the most perfect opportunity for a fresh start!  If you have been straddling the fence, finding it hard to get down, take that leap of faith and jump right in … somewhere … anywhere you can make a positive difference in the life of someone else.  When you support others, you are supported ten-fold within RRBC/RWISA.

Did you make a New Year’s Resolution on December 31, 2020?  I didn’t.  I made an Intention, and that is, I intend to continue sharing and educating as many as I can on the importance of living a life of service.  Less selfishness and more selflessness will continue to be my mission’s slogan. 

I’ll ask once more, which road will you take?

Did you enjoy Nonnie’s writing?  Then please, help us support her and her work along this REVOLUTION tour! We ask that you click on the author’s RWISA Profile below and visit all of her profile pages – some offering more insight into the member and others showcasing the author’s talent.

Lastly, we ask that you support this member as well as the host of this blog, by sharing this page and the author’s profile pages across all your social media platforms.

RWISA Profile

What Nonnie has to say about RWISA…

Check out Nonnie’s book…


Now, we’d like to give you a chance at some of this awesome promotion for yourself!

Have you written that book or short story you want the whole world to know about? Are you looking for a great way to promote your creative endeavors? Perhaps you’re seeking to add some prestige to your body of work! If this sounds like you, we invite you to come on over to RAVE WRITERS – INT’L SOCIETY OF AUTHORS, otherwise known as RWISA.

At RWISA, we invite and accept into membership only the very best writers the Indie community has to offer.

If your work is exemplary and speaks for itself, stop by the RWISA website today at RaveWriters.wordpress.com and find out how you can submit your sample of writing for consideration.

We’re an exclusive bunch but we’d love to have you join us!

NOTE:  If you’re looking to improve your writing while taking another route to membership into RWISA, while you’re at the site, visit RWISA UNIVERSITY!

Thanks for dropping by and don’t forget to leave the author a comment below!  To follow along with the rest of the tour, please visit the tour’s home page!


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  1. Nonnie, your posts are always inspirational and from the heart. Thank you for putting everything into each post you do.

    All of the pieces in the tour were good, each one striking a different cord. I am so honored to have hosted each of the days on my site. What a fabulous group of high achievers and thought leaders this group has within its ranks. Every voice is powerful and appreciated.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I just reblogged this! I just learned HOW to reblog! You learn something new everyday!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Reblogged this on Wanda Adams Fischer and commented:
    This is an important blog from the person who started the Rave Reviews Book Club. I hope you’ll check it out!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. As always Nonnie, I found your message both inspiring and sad.
    Indeed you give so much to others it surprises me that there are those who are not prepared to give as much as they get from being a member of RRBC. How can they expect to be given chances here if they are unprepared to return the favour.
    Everyone in RRBC should play their part in keeping the club functioning and I sincerely hope your message is read and absorbed by us all.
    Thank you for being the person you are, who, with the help of loyal members keep this great concept alive.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Hi Nonnie–I loved this blog post. As I am in my eighth decade on this earth, I always go back to what my mother told me in the 1950s. We were not wealthy; in fact, we scraped for money. My mother was one of the very few working women back then. (She worked at the Polaroid Corporation.) Every day, when I packed a lunch for school, she would say to me, “Now, don’t forget, if you see someone at school who has no lunch, always share yours with that kid. You don’t know if that kid will go home and there’ll be no food at that kid’s house. You can make that little sacrifice because you know there will be food in this house when you get home.” Sometimes I did see an occasion to share my lunch (this was in the days before schools had free lunch programs for students who were in a poverty group).

    This kind of sharing is something that has stayed with me for lo these many years. That’s one of the reasons I have loved RRBC. Since joining, I have found so much support and friendship from people all over the world. I have felt welcomed by everyone and have learned so much. My mother always dubbed this “sharing and caring.” That’s what RRBC is. Thanks for all your hard work! It’s been a great investment in all of us!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Great reminders on why #RRBC & #RWISA rock! Thanks, Nonnie.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Shirley Harris-Slaughter February 26, 2021 — 8:29 pm

    Nonnie, you rock!


    Liked by 2 people

  8. Hi, Nonnie. Truer words were never spoken. My husband and I built a business based on helping others succeed, and when I found RRBC and RWISA, I knew you’d discovered that secret to success and built this community around it. The best things in life take effort and resilience and intention. I love that you used that word instead of resolution. You’re forward-focused, a driver who will take whoever is willing right along with you. Even for those of us who can’t participate in everything, you’ve made sure there is still plenty we can do. Thank you.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Reblogged this on PTL Perrin Writes… and commented:
    I learned long ago that the best way to success is to help others succeed. Nonnie created RRBC and RWISA because she’d discovered the same path to success, and is she EVER helping others along the way! If you haven’t heard about RRBC and RWISA by now, here’s what they are in Nonnie’s own words. What she says is true. It takes effort, but stepping outside yourself to help others always does. And it pays off in unexpected benefits. Thank you, Nonnie! You ROCK!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. When I first became an author, I joined every group I could find. The only one that stuck was RRBC/RWISA. The others were all about promoting their own works but never supporting others. The sense of community and the bond of friendship never developed there. Here, I feel as if I have an extended family, and I am so grateful that Nonnie does all she does to give us all this family. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  11. D.L. Finn, Author February 26, 2021 — 7:00 pm

    I completely believe in helping others in life and writing. With that side of me I do have to be careful to avoid the con artists, I tend to run into more than I’d like. What I had to learn to do was receive from others which is an equal important gift so others can give. Good reminder of the blessings and joys of helping and giving in life was the writing world. May this year be full of that spirit.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi, D. L.! Yes, helping others should be at the top of everyone’s list and should be the standard by which we all live our lives. If you can’t be decent, you should refuse to be at all and I am a firm believer in that if you can’t help someone, by all means, don’t hurt them. Being careful that we don’t run into any shady characters is another pitfall we should all try our best to avoid.

      Thanks for dropping by!

      Liked by 2 people

  12. Reblogged this on Maura Beth Brennan and commented:
    Read these inspiring words from #RRBC_RWISA founder, Nonnie Jules, @nonniejules

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Reviews can be an author’s best friend, word of mouth, literal or virtual, is great marketing, and peer support is an incredible resource. Thanks to your vision, both are widely available to the membership through RRBC and RWISA. All it takes is active participation, which also provides a pathway to new friendships. Thank you, Nonnie, for all that you do for the members.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi, Karen! RRBC has been here for almost a decade and RWISA, not so far behind it. Giving support and lifting others is the cornerstone of who we are and what we do, and no matter the naysayers who would try with all their might (and their mouths) to derail that, their every attempt will fail.

      Thank you for being the kind of member that runs through my RRBC dreams, nightly!

      You’re awesome!


  14. Nonnie, what a beautiful and thought-provoking post! You perfectly summarize the reason that your wonderful organization, RRBC_RWISA, is so special, and the deep purpose behind it. I especially loved how you began your New Year by setting “Intention.” That is so much more powerful than just thinking about a resolution, because it implies resolve. When we say that word to ourselves, we sense that slight pull forward and feel energized. As an expert wordsmith, you have inspired us with the perfect word, and as we all know, words.matter! Thank you for this beautiful post and for this organization, which has meant so much to so many.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Maura Beth, your kind words warm my heart! Thank you so much for making my day even brighter (as all my days are bright!) I have, since our club began, tried to lead by example. In the spirit of giving, I think we all can aim to work a little harder at always giving a little more and being mindful of the spirit in which we operate.

      I agree, RRBC has always and continues to mean so much to so many!

      Thanks again for dropping by with your support!


  15. Reblogged this on Writing and Music and commented:
    Nonnie Jules, founder and president of RRBC and RWISA has some brutally honest words about giving and receiving today. Please stop by and read the full post, then choose a side.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Good morning, Nonnie. Your words ring true on so many levels, not just reading and writing books. It is indeed more blessed to give than receive, but it isn’t all giving, because in that action you get back. It’s the Law of the Universe. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Thank you for having the vision to create this club. I hesitate to call it that because it is SO much more. It is a community. It is my extended family. It makes my heart happy to support others on this life journey where we are all connected by an invisible thread.


    • Jan, RRBC & RWISA are so much more than “clubs.” It’s evident that so many need us and the community support we offer. We came to know just how much this community was needed and connected during the start of the pandemic and throughout. I am just as grateful for all of my supportive, caring and kind members … just as much as the gratitude they extend to me.

      Thanks, Jan!

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Hi, Nonnie, first, thank you for mentioning my piece for this tour. You know very well that was not what I first wrote. I tried to avoid the tour’s theme because, as you know, it is hard to speak the truth these days without getting into people’s faces. So, rather than face the truth, I avoid it!. But, I would rather tell the truth! Thank you for making us stop and add our voices to what is happening today in our country.


    • Hi, Joy! I can only imagine the number of versions you wrote before settling on the one you eventually turned in, but, all in all, your piece was a very moving piece. I enjoyed it and the bravery behind it.

      I don’t think you should concern yourself so much about what other people might feel about what you write. That’s a move for cowards, and a coward you are not, Joy. Be you and let only your heart dictate what rolls off your pen.

      I always say I’m not here to make any friends, but, if I do, that’s a bonus. I’m here for a specific reason. The reason God put me in this position of leadership, is because he knew that I was the right person for the moment; and because my purpose was not handed down to me by man, I won’t ever let man dictate how it should unfold.

      Next time, you write what your heart leads you to. If someone else doesn’t like it, that’s their problem. Not yours!

      Thanks for being an awesome RRBC LifeTime Member, Joy!

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Hi Nonnie,

    As I read your piece about takers and givers, I looked at the signposts and thought they are so adequate for this piece because you are a game-changer. You take your vision and step out and therefore you stand out.
    You remind me so much of Martin Luther King. I heard similar words in 1966 when he came to speak at Tabernacle Baptist Church in Augusta, Georgia. Only it wasn’t about writing. it was about segregation in the Richmond County School System. I remember sitting in the back of the church listening to him. My parents were sitting upfront. The church was packed with people. The late Dr. King then gave his call in the closing sentences. He said, who will go? Who will be the first to leave the hub and go beyond what they know? No one said anything. I surely didn’t. But my father stood and said, my daughter, will go, and that changed the direction in my life.

    Thank you for being a person who leads by doing.

    Shalom aleichem,

    Liked by 3 people

    • Oh wow, Pat! What you shared here gave me literal goosebumps. “My daughter will go…” What a powerful commitment. And wouldn’t that be a great title for a book? Thank you for sharing!


    • This is profound, Pat! What a blessing to have heard Dr. King in person, and to have a father who believed in you so much, he publicly declared you would make an impact on the world. You also lead by doing. You’ve just inspired me!


    • WOW, Pat! Dr. MLK? I don’t think I’ll ever sit that high but thank you, thank you, thank you, so much for your thoughts of me! WOW!

      You know, sometimes it’s not easy being in leadership positions, but I do try to lead by example. You always encounter those who have less than stellar intentions – characters who seek to do harm and ruin reputations based on non-truths and other ugly nonsense, when their little green-eyed monster begins to peek out and they don’t like something you’ve said, or written – that’s fodder for their sick entertainment and pleasure. When you’ve worked hard to live a certain way and by certain standards, the devil in the form of humans, looks first to attempt to destroy that which you’ve worked so hard to build.

      You know, I’m going to backtrack a bit here – although I would never put myself on the same pedestal as Dr. King (I’m not going to put myself on any pedestal, for that matter) and his bravery, I will say we do have one thing in common – he believed that one should be judged by their enemies. I strongly believe that one should not judge me by the friends in my world, the ones who love and adore me, but instead, by those who would allow negativity, driven by their own personal feelings about me, to fall from their lips. If someone has praised you and your leadership and what you have done for so many for so long, and then all of a sudden, they start to sing a new tune, always wonder about their motivation.

      I watch people closely and my intuition has rarely ever failed me. A Dr. King I will never be. But, Nonnie Jules I am, and am very proud to be.

      Thanks, Pat, for your inspiring words! They always uplift me 🙂

      You’re a treasure!


    • Hi Pat–Up until his assassination, in 1968, my dream was to meet MLK Jr, or even be in the same space as he was. You did that! On the night he was killed, I was at the University of Tennessee, surrounded by many who said things such as, “He was asking for it,” or “It’s just too bad it had to happen in Tennessee.” I idolized him for so many reasons. Can you believe he was only 39 when he died? I have been to the Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, which is attached to the Lorraine Motel. At the end of the tour, people are in his actual room. It’s still set up the way it was on the night he died. The same type of cars that were parked outside are still parked outside. Marian Anderson is singing “Precious Lord” into the room. It was his favorite hymn. When I was in that room, I cried again, just like on the night he died. That was the day I felt as if I met him. Your story is amazing. Your dad was right; his daughter would–and did–go. Thanks for being you.

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Thanks, Nonnie, the more supportive members are, the more they get noticed!!! I’m more likely to purchase & review a fellow member’s book if I’ve had a meaningful interaction with them. I steer clear of fly-by-nighters, who swoop in, with 5 minutes of bluster & me, me, me – and then disappear in a blink when they realise that ‘YES! – the review rules do apply to them, too!!!’ I mean it’s not hard to read 4 books a year – I sometimes do that in a week! Be a GIVER in life – it is so much more rewarding than being a TAKER. Doing things for others without any expectation is a wonderful feeling. RRBC has a huge heart and is so much more than just a book club – it’s a friend-club. Let’s strive to be the best versions of ourselves in 2021!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wendy, after the meeting we had yesterday, this message has tickled me pink! Whew! Did you get it all out? Did you say all that you wanted to say? LOL! Your comment had me balled up into a tight ball of laughter! You’re right – the policies of RRBC & RWISA are minimal. The asks are minimal, especially when compared to what you get out of this club. When you sit and do nothing and give nothing, why are you expecting the world to be given to you?

      We are more than a book club – that’s evident, and those who feel otherwise, well, maybe RRBC & RWISA aren’t the places for them.

      Thanks, Wendy! You’ve made me laugh so hard today!


  20. Reblogged this on Watch Nonnie Write! and commented:

    Welcome to the final day of the RWISA REVOLUTION BLOG TOUR! And today our guest is … ME! Thanks for supporting!


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