Welcome to the 2020 WATCH “RWISA” WRITE Showcase Tour!

Featured Author for Thursday, 11/19/20…

RWISA Author, Nonnie Jules!


We often hear that music is the universal language.  It is the avenue to bridge all divides –

racial divides

gender divides

political divides.    

But, in the midst of all the division,

each party holding court in their respective corners of the ring,

ears lightly tickled by the sound of the simple “IMAGINE” by John Lennon,

wafting through the musky air of tear gas, rubber bullets and water cannons –

a mist of standstill calms the noise

…and in mere moments, the eyes of “independent” onlookers are pleasantly greeted by the most beautiful and welcoming sight –

…bodies slowly rocking

…hands collectively raised

…waving side to side

…all in unison  


 “Imagine there’s no heaven. It’s easy if you try…”

The 2020 US election has ended. The people have spoken.

What’s left behind?   A world of anxiety and angst – wrapped in feelings of wondering when the bombs will drop, or when the other shoe will fall.  And although I’d like to point fingers here and maybe even call a few not-so-pretty names, my daughter sits beside me as I write this, an ear to measure the “nice” level in my words, the child guiding the parent.  Roles reversed, she gently reminds me that the original goal of this message is unification – therefore, I will stay the course of peace.

In this moment, acknowledging that my conscience of decency is bigger than any emotion that might be stirring the embers of fires that have burned deep inside me for the past few years – neutrality is my cohort, and we will not take sides. 

Instead, all that will be allowed to roll off my tongue is FACT…

one reign is ending  

and another about to begin.

Some exultant…

others despondent

Yet, now is not the time for either.

Yesterday is gone,

today almost a memory,

but what awaits us in tomorrow

is what WE decide it will be. 

This is not the land of us and them –

this is the world of WE. 

WE decide what, who and how WE want to be.  

Do you resemble love, or, are you wearing the likeness of hate?  

What adorns your heart, a choice only you can make…for you. 

So, I have made my choice – and it is firm and true!

I choose love. 

To love,

to be loved,

to speak love,

to exude love,

to live love. 

Because I know that what I send out into the world, will be exactly what the world returns to my doorstep.

It is for that reason that I shall…

remain steadfast in my vigilance –

cognizant of any negativity that might try to seep in or out of my pores –

Skillfully suppressing the desire to gloat in the face of the so-called “losing” side. 

I’ve too much pride…to stoop so low.

The 2020 US election has ended.  The people have spoken.

There were no losers. 

WE are a world of winners.

Remember, WE decide



and how

WE will be

in this…




world of WE

“Imagine there’s no country
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace…”

It’s all easy if WE try.

Thank you for supporting this member along the WATCH “RWISA” WRITE Showcase Tour today!  We ask that if you have enjoyed this member’s writing, please visit their Author Profile on the RWISA site, where you can find more of their writing, along with their contact and social media links, if they’ve turned you into a fan.

We ask that you also check out their books in thRWISA  catalog.  Thanks again for your support and we hope that you will follow along each day of this amazing tour of talent by visiting the tour home page!  Don’t forget to click the link below to learn more about today’s profiled author:

Nonnie Jules’ RWISA Author Profile


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  1. Thank you all for dropping by to support this piece … and me!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a perfect way to finish off this RWISA Showcase – thanks, Nonnie!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. D.L. Finn, Author November 21, 2020 — 8:52 am

    I’ve been echoing the same sentiment of its just us, not us vs them. Beautifully said with words from my favorite song. I keep reminding myself to remain in the love. It’s been challenged a lot.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. WOW, Nonnie! Wow! Beautiful thoughts, beautifully expressed! It is great that you refrained from divisive language. I’m proud to be your friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi, Nonnie. Lovely sentiments well-described in meaningful poetry. Love is the only thing that will change the world, and only God’s love, unconditional love. In the end, all the rest is smoke. Praying we can bridge the chasm when the smoke clears and we acknowledge our common flawed humanity.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Loved the poetry side of you. Beautifully, stated . . . you deserved this honor. Deserved so much that’s why I’m saluting you on my blog!


  7. Thank you, Nonnie, for sharing your heartfelt poem. It brings back the moment when people spontaneously broke out into dance and celebration when the president-elect was announced. It is my hope that we can move into the atmosphere of “WE” in these tumultuous times of division and attack on the democratic right to vote.


  8. A most beautiful and timely message for the times we’re in, Nonnie! Thanks for inspiring us to be the best of all we can be… ❤ xo


  9. Hi, Nonnie, I wish that the world could be this rosy. But, I will continue to dream, and allow my dream to take me, even for a moment, to this illusionary world!


  10. Oh, Nonnie, you’ve not only captured a moment of beauty through words but shone a gorgeous bright light on a dark and dreary world. What a great message to wind up this showcase tour with – one that I will carry in my heart going forward. Thank you!


  11. Thanks for your boost of positivity in these difficult times Nonnie 🙂


  12. Well, Nonnie, this is absolutely beautiful! It so perfectly captures what we are living through, what we have lived through, and how so many of us feel. As you point out, turning those frustrations into the positivity of love is the perfect answer. And, at the end of your piece, to listen to “Imagine” – perfection!! (Can somebody hand me a tissue?) Thanks for this, Nonnie.


  13. This is beautiful, Nonnie. Our nation is filled with hurt and hatred but it’s also filled with love and light. I stand with you in focusing on the love and light. 🙂


  14. Reblogged this on Walk On and commented:
    Good Morning Everyone,
    Today is Day 11 of the RWISA WRITES Showcase Tour. Author Nonnie Jules presents herself by putting her thoughts in poetic prose.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat Garcia


  15. Hi,
    I like John Lennon song. It has a nice meaning, but it doesn’t change people. I agree with your hypothesis about the WE, and I believe that the WE can only take place in our hearts with love. It is love that changes the world. It is love that causes a person to humble him or herself and put another person’s desires above his own. That love only takes place when WE have a heart change, and that does not happen in the imagination. People’s imagination have gotten us where we are now, fighting against one another, still pointing fingers, and not willing to humble ourselves and say, you won.

    I enjoyed reading your thoughts through poetic expression. Excellent!

    Shalom aleichem


    • Pat, I love the power of the imagination. Had it not been for an imagination, RRBC & RWISA would have never come to fruition. We can be all the things I’ve mentioned above – if we try hard enough. Where there is a will, there is ALWAYS a way.

      Thanks for dropping in today, Pat! You’re appreciated!


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